Rabu, 06 April 2011

Tragedy in Bahrain

I have recieved a comment from a friend that I have known now for about three years, named Fatima Khamis, a young girl living in Bahrain. The comment touched the bottoms of my heart, and made me realize that there are plenty of basic things that still need a change, in order for the world to become better.

I am pretty sure that her comment (the following) will briefly explain what I am about to talk about:

.. please read the following:

Btw, Do you have any idea what's going on in my country Bahrain? Did you see how our government killed, shed blood, arrested about 400 ppl including some women 2 of them are pregnant!! :'(

WHY you did not post anything regarding BH ?

Bahrain is bleeeeeding and no help from other countries! Saudi Arabia has bring "der3 aljazera" to help bahrain army to kill protesters "those UN-ARMED ppl"

7raaaaam wallah 7raaaam!

They hate "Shi3a" in BH!

Aren't we MUSLIMS! Having one God, One religion, one prophet, one Qur2an !!!

On TOP of that, BH T.v denies!! and keep lying to the world that Shi3a who were attending "Lulu Roundabout" are

terrorist and devastators!! We are oppressed just because we are Shi3a, though we were calling out "a5wan Suna wa

Shi3a hatha el-wa6an ma nebe3a"

I could send you some photos of the massacre the did if you have a strong heart to have a look!!

See this video of a poor family in BH:


This is a lil child talking about her KILED father!


I %100 support the fact that people should speak up when they want something to be heared, and going back at them with terroris is not the solution to bettering the world. Sadly, it seems like in Bahrain discrimination between shia muslims and sunni muslims is creating a barrier that prevents them from listening, and therefore, make a better place for living.

In Bahrain, what strted as a walk which has a great purpose:

حقيقة البحرين بالصور منذٌ وحتى

Ended up with tens of people killed, and others injured:

حقيقة البحرين بالصور منذٌ وحتى

Please take a moment to watch this video about poverty in Bahrain, so you understand what the Bahraini citizens are askng for:

I believe that what is currently happening in Bahrain could open the eyes of many of you out there reading this, and make them realize that discrimination will not lead us to anywhere, it will only make matters worse.

I would also like to hand this over to Fatima Khamis, and personally thank her, for letting me know about this and giving me the chance to talk about something that truly matters in my blog, and would like to nicely ask her to add anything he desires as a comment :) .. I hope that many of you out there will respond.

You can help by ways that are as easy as posting on your blogs about this issue, or tell your friends of family, write about it, raise awareness about this issue facing Bahrain, we can do it together :)



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